CoronaVirus Consultancy

The Health Services Executive (HSE) in collaboration with the Health and Safety Authority (HSA) and the Department of Health and the Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation have come together to outline the requirements of how businesses will need to ensure the safety of everyone who interacts with that business. From employees, to customers to suppliers. The set of requirements is known as The Return to Work Safely Protocol.

This protocol is designed to support employers and workers to put measures in place that will prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the workplace, when the economy begins to slowly open up, following the temporary closure of most businesses during the worst phase of the current pandemic.

The Protocol should be used by all workplaces to adapt their workplace procedures and practices to comply fully with the COVID-19 related public health protection measures identified as necessary by the HSE. The protocols are very exhaustive and sets out the steps that must be taken before a workplace reopens, and while it continues to operate.

HC Training is providing consultancy to business in how to implement these protocols in to the different types of businesses operating in Ireland. If you require any help and assistance in getting your business compliant with the The Return to Work Safely Protocol; then call up to discuss how we can help you get up and running safely and quickly and stay open and in compliance.

How to Protect Yourself Against Coronavirus (COVID-19)

How to Protect Yourself And Others From Coronavirus

How Can We Help You?

Contact us at HC Training Ltd for all of your health and safety training and consultancy requirements. Click the button below to get in touch.

Pat is a very experience training provider who delivers a high quality programme. I have always found Pats work to be very high quality and received positive feedback from the students he comes into contact with.

Robert Butler
Head of Training & Development, Construction Industry Federation