Why Are Safety Statements Required?
Firstly, if you are an employer, safety statements relating to the workplace and work activities are required. The same is required from the self-employed. It is common for inspectors to discover safety statements that are too generic and poorly prepared. This is because the person preparing the statement doesn’t have an understanding of of employer activities.
It is a written document specifying the management of health and safety within the business. The statement will also include the company’s policy and risk assessments along with the controls that are in place. The persons responsible for implementing the controls will be specified.
The Safety Statement must be reviewed and, if necessary, amended as required. This should be done on a annual basis or more frequently if for example your business changes and your employees are exposed to new hazards e.g. the introduction of new machinery or new work practices, or when there is reason to believe that it is no longer adequate, e.g. changes to health and safety arrangements and resources, or a near-miss incident.
The Safety statement must be brought to the attention of the employees and to any other persons at the place of work who might be exposed to the specific risks outlined in the document. When bringing the Safety Statement to the attention of employees, it must be in a form, manner and, if necessary, a language that can be understood by employees.
The following two minute video explains a safety statement in simple terms.
If you’re looking to have a safety statement drawn up for you then contact HC Training Services Ltd today! Click here to visit our website.